Customer Testimonials

  • "Your Service was 100% on time and accurate. 8 year lone paying off Nov. 2021 That is 6 years and 1 month of an 8 year loan. Loved the Customer Service given throughout the service from Don and Diane. They treated me like family. Thank you platinum bill pay."

    -Lisa K., Grand Prairie, TX

  • "As a new customer, learning about the services of Platinum Bill Pay and how to effectively utilize the service to my financial benefit in building up my credit rating. I just wanted to acknowledge your team, Rick especially, providing such great customer service and flexibility in aligning my payments with my biweekly pay dates. I am so grateful for that type of flexibility, the friendly solution oriented customer service team, and a payment plan option that will allow me to pay off my car note quicker. Thank you!"

    -Tina S., Frisco, TX

  • "Platinum Bill Pay is one of the best organizational decisions I've made. Now I can make my payment when I actually get paid! Can I use your service for ALL my bills?"

    -Jane G., Goshen, OH

  • "I'm really glad I found out about Platinum Bill Pay. It's so easy! My wife and I have almost nothing to argue about now. (almost...) ;-)"

    -Dominick V., Cicero, IL

  • "Your service has vastly improved my finances by streamlining my workflow. Your support personal are a pleasure to work with, as well. Thank You."

    -Hanna R., Augusta, GA

  • "If Platinum Bill Pay had been around for the last twenty years, I'd have far fewer grey hairs. It's a pleasure to work with you folks!"

    -Ralph T., Tampa, FL

  • "Every time I purchased car I told myself I was going to make extra payments every year, guess what? I didn't! Until I found this plan!"

    -Giovanni N., Chicago, IL

  • "One less thing to worry about is good. It's therapeutic, in fact! Thank you for your plan and your friendly service people!"

    -Amy L., Sedona, AZ

"They should call this Stress-Free Payment Plan"!!

-Nicholas G., Bohemia, NY

"Makes life a lot easier, no late fees"!!

-Michelle V., Largo, FL

"This makes my life SO much easier! No more missed payments, late payments, or double payments!"

-Jennifer J., Cincinnati , OH